Wild Ditch Witchery with Feebee - 12 June


Join me for a hands on, fully immersive experience as I teach you how to forage, create and enjoy your own remedies.

For the longest time, I’ve been asked to host ditch witchery classes, where you can learn specific recipes and get a step by step guide in a classroom vibe, so I’m delighted to invite you to join me for a really fun night of ditch witchery, foraging and potion making.

Where: Bohernabreena Allotments

When: Wednesday 12th June 2024

Time: 6.30pm - 9.30pm

What you can expect

You will be greeted on arrival with freshly brewed herbal teas, made with plants foraged at our feet in the wild beauty of Bohernabreena.

You can experience the beauty of the view of Dublin City, as we do a tour of the allotments and my personal plot, where I will show you the medicinal plants growing, guiding you through their medicinal uses. You can collect some plants that you feel a connection with to use personally.

From there, we will go to our “classroom“ overlooking Mount Seskin, where the potion-making will begin.

You will learn:

How to make a Skincare Balm

I will teach you the art of Decoction - the process of pulling the medicine from a plant into olive oil. This is a gorgeous slow & low process that we will all do together, creating a communal healing balm unique to our class. You can then personalise your one by choosing from an array of essential oils for their healing properties and gorgeous scents.

You will be provided with jars and you will leave with your own skincare balm

How to make a Booze Infusion

We will collect fresh rhubarb from the allotment and bring it to the classroom, where I will show you how to prepare it and get it ready to make your own Rhubarb Gin/Vodka.

You will be provided with jars, castor sugar and rhubarb. (booze is not provided, but feel free to bring any old cheap bottle you may have laying around). You will leave with a jar of infusion rhubarb, all you need to do is add gin/vodka the next day.

How to Make a Tincture

Together we will forage plants and I will guide you through the process of making your own tincture. Tinctures are a herbalists secret weapon in helping to heal and create better health. Once you learn this process, you will be have a skill for life that you can use with different plants.

You will be provided with jars, apple cider vinegar and we will forage the plants. You will leave with a tincture.

Refreshments will be available over the course of the evening and sure the craic will be mighty.

You will also receive class notes, so you have step by step guides to follow in the future.

This is a beautiful opportunity to explore your witchy side and see just how valuable our wild Irish weeds can be.


As this venue is in Bohernabreena Allotments your own transport is essential, as there are no buses or public transport that pass.

If you are coming with a friend, car pool and sing songs together on your way.

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